// My car shop.java
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
public class carshop extends JFrame
// JPanel to hold all pictures
private JPanel windowJPanel;
private String[] cars = { "","阿斯顿马丁", "美洲虎", "凯迪拉克",
"罗孚", "劳斯莱斯","别克"};
private int[] jiage = { 0,, , ,
, , };
// JLabels for first snack shown
private JLabel oneJLabel;
private JLabel oneIconJLabel;
// JLabels for second snack shown
private JLabel twoJLabel;
private JLabel twoIconJLabel;
// JLabels for third snack shown
private JLabel threeJLabel;
private JLabel threeIconJLabel;
// JLabels for fourth snack shown
private JLabel fourJLabel;
private JLabel fourIconJLabel;
// JLabels for fifth snack shown
private JLabel fiveJLabel;
private JLabel fiveIconJLabel;
// JLabels for sixth snack shown
private JLabel sixJLabel;
private JLabel sixIconJLabel;
// JTextField for displaying snack price
private JTextArea displayJTextArea;
// JLabel and JTextField for user input
private JLabel inputJLabel;
private JComboBox selectCountryJComboBox;
private JLabel inputJLabel2;
private JTextField inputJTextField2;
// JButton to enter user input
private JButton enterJButton;
//JButton to clear the components
private JButton clearJButton;
// no-argument constructor
public carshop()
// create and position GUI components; register event handlers
private void createUserInterface()
// get content pane for attaching GUI components
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
// enable explicit positioning of GUI components
contentPane.setLayout( null );
// set up windowJPanel
windowJPanel = new JPanel();
windowJPanel.setBounds( , , , );
windowJPanel.setBorder( new LineBorder( Color.BLACK ) );
windowJPanel.setLayout( null );
contentPane.add( windowJPanel );
// set up oneIconJLabel
oneIconJLabel = new JLabel();
oneIconJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
oneIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "images/阿斯顿马丁.jpg" ) );
windowJPanel.add( oneIconJLabel );
// set up oneJLabel
oneJLabel = new JLabel();
oneJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
oneJLabel.setText( "阿斯顿马丁" );
oneJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
windowJPanel.add( oneJLabel );
// set up twoIconJLabel
twoIconJLabel = new JLabel();
twoIconJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
twoIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "images/美洲虎.jpg" ) );
windowJPanel.add( twoIconJLabel );
// set up twoJLabel
twoJLabel = new JLabel();
twoJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
twoJLabel.setText( "美洲虎" );
twoJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
windowJPanel.add( twoJLabel );
// set up threeIconJLabel
threeIconJLabel = new JLabel();
threeIconJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
threeIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon(
"images/凯迪拉克.jpg" ) );
windowJPanel.add( threeIconJLabel );
// set up threeJLabel
threeJLabel = new JLabel();
threeJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
threeJLabel.setText( "凯迪拉克" );
threeJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
windowJPanel.add( threeJLabel );
// set up fourIconJLabel
fourIconJLabel = new JLabel();
fourIconJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
fourIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "images/罗孚.jpg" ) );
windowJPanel.add( fourIconJLabel );
// set up fourJLabel
fourJLabel = new JLabel();
fourJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
fourJLabel.setText( "罗孚" );
fourJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
windowJPanel.add( fourJLabel );
// set up fiveIconJLabel
fiveIconJLabel = new JLabel();
fiveIconJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
fiveIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon(
"images/劳斯莱斯.jpg" ) );
windowJPanel.add( fiveIconJLabel );
// set up fiveJLabel
fiveJLabel = new JLabel();
fiveJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
fiveJLabel.setText( "劳斯莱斯" );
fiveJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
windowJPanel.add( fiveJLabel );
// set up sixIconJLabel
sixIconJLabel = new JLabel();
sixIconJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
sixIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "images/别克.jpg" ) );
windowJPanel.add( sixIconJLabel );
// set up sixJLabel
sixJLabel = new JLabel();
sixJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
sixJLabel.setText( "别克" );
sixJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
windowJPanel.add( sixJLabel );
// set up enterJButton
enterJButton = new JButton();
enterJButton.setBounds( , , , );
enterJButton.setText( "Enter" );
contentPane.add( enterJButton );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when enterJButton is clicked
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
enterJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
// set up clearJButton
clearJButton = new JButton();
clearJButton.setBounds( , , , );
clearJButton.setText( "Clear" );
contentPane.add( clearJButton );
// set up inputJLabel
inputJLabel = new JLabel();
inputJLabel.setBounds( , , , );
inputJLabel.setText( "Please make selection:" );
contentPane.add( inputJLabel );
selectCountryJComboBox = new JComboBox( cars );
selectCountryJComboBox.setBounds( , , , );
selectCountryJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
contentPane.add( selectCountryJComboBox );
// set up inputJTextField
inputJLabel2 = new JLabel();
inputJLabel2.setBounds( , , , );
inputJLabel2.setText( "Input the Numble:" );
contentPane.add( inputJLabel2 );
// set up inputJTextField
inputJTextField2 = new JTextField();
inputJTextField2.setBounds( , , , );
inputJTextField2.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT );
contentPane.add( inputJTextField2 );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when clearJButton is clicked
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
clearJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
// set up displayJTextField
displayJTextArea = new JTextArea();
displayJTextArea.setBounds( , ,, );
displayJTextArea.setEditable( false );
contentPane.add( displayJTextArea );
// set properties of application's window
setTitle( "My car Shop" ); // set title bar string
setSize( , ); // set window size
setVisible( true ); // display window
} // end method createUserInterface
private void clearJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
// clear the JTextFields
inputJTextField2.setText( "" );
} // end method clearJButtonActionPerformed
private void enterJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
double z;
double c;
int x;
int y;
double discountRate;
int amount = Integer.parseInt( inputJTextField2.getText());
switch (amount/5)
case 0:
discountRate = 0;
case 1:
discountRate = 1;
case 2:
discountRate = 2;
case 3:
discountRate = 3;
discountRate = 4;
} // end switch statement
"它的单价是:"+jiage[x]+";" +"你购买该产品的数量是:"+y+"," +"\n"+"该数量的源码游系折扣是:"
+discountRate + " %"+";"+"本次消费的总价格是:"+z+"元"+"!"+"\n");
public static void main( String args[] )
carshop application = new carshop();
application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
} // end method main
} // end class carshop
Java Web 是一种使用 Java 技术构建 Web 应用程序的框架,它的统源源代码并不是完全开放的。
Java Web 的旅游b旅拍格精酿源代码由 Oracle 公司维护和开发,并且 Oracle 公司拥有 Java 平台的源码游系版权和知识产权。因此,统源Java Web 的旅游b旅源代码并不是开源的,也不向公众开放。源码游系
然而,统源Java Web 的旅游b旅规范是由一个开放的、跨组织的源码游系双倍精酿 JCP(Java Community Process)社区进行开发和维护的。这个社区包括了来自不同公司和组织的统源 Java 开发者,他们共同制定和改进 Java Web 的旅游b旅规范。这些规范定义了 Java Web 应用程序的源码游系架构、API 和行为,统源并且被所有遵循这些规范的seven精酿 Java Web 框架所遵循。
因此,虽然 Java Web 的源代码不是开放的,但是它的规范和标准是由一个开放的社区进行开发和维护的。