1.c ���� Դ��
2.求大神帮我写下这个C语言程序 把源代码回复给我 谢谢了!答答题
c ���� Դ��
少年,题源股票压力位源码作业是系统网站源码求购用来回顾完善所学的知识的,而不是答答题族谱软件源码用来抄的。。题源centos 源码 卸载。系统disque 源码分析下面给出这个作业的答答题核心代码,仅供参考
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
typedef struct student
char name[];
int mathScore;
int englishScore;
void inputScore(STU * stu)
int average(STU * stu)
void sort(STU * stu)
int main(void)
return 0;
求大神帮我写下这个C语言程序 把源代码回复给我 谢谢了!题源
/* determine the amount of the change
change = (paid - check) * ;
determine the number of dollars in the change
dollars = change / ;
(1). Using the previous statements as a starting point,系统 write a C program
that calculates the number of dollar bills( cents), quarters coins(
cents), dimes coins ( cents), nickels coins (5 cents), and pennies coins (1
cents) in the change when $ is used to pay a bill of $6..
(2) Using the C program to calculate the change when a check of $.
is paid using a $ bill.
#include "stdio.h"
void getChange(int paid, float bill)
if (paid < bill)
printf("Your money cant paid for the bill!\n");
int remain;
int dollor = 0,quarter = 0,dime = 0,nickel = 0,penny = 0;
remain = (paid* - bill*)+0.5;
dollor = remain/;
printf("Change Dollors: %d\n",dollor);
remain -= dollor*;
quarter = remain/;
printf("Change Quarters: %d\n",quarter);
remain -= quarter*;
dime = remain/;
printf("Change Dimes: %d\n",dime);
remain -= dime*;
nickel = remain/5;
printf("Change Nickels: %d\n",nickel);
remain -=nickel*5;
penny = remain;
printf("Change Pennys: %d\n",penny);
printf("Change finished!\n");
void main()
int paid;
float bill;
printf("Please input your Paid($):");
printf("Please input your Bill($):");
printf("Your change is: \n");
getChange(paid, bill);
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